Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ano ang sin against the Holy Spirit na walang kapatawaran?

Ang nakita ko sa Bible na binanggit na sin against the Holy Spirit na hindi patatawarin—kasunod yun ng istorya na ang Panginoon ay nagpalayas ng mga diablo at pagkatapos pinagbintangang demonyo din Siya—ay to call the work of the Holy Spirit the work of the devil.
There is a second reading to that. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to point to Christ, to convict us of sin and to convict us about Christ. So ano ang unforgivable sin againt Holy Spirit? When you do not believe in Christ, you ignore the very ministry of the Holy Spirit, which is to testify about Christ. It is unforgivable because you receive forgiveness only in Christ. Ni-reject mo si Christ, inisnab mo yung turo ng Holy Spirit, saan ka hahanap ng forgiveness eh wala kang Savior?

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